Sustainability Forum

Who is the Sustainability Forum?
Teachers and researchers at Otto von Guericke University.

What is the mission?
The members of the Otto von Guericke University Sustainability Forum (NH Forum) are committed to the university's special responsibility for addressing major social issues. We are committed to anchoring the topic of sustainable development more firmly than before in teaching and research. We are involved in the development of new interdisciplinary teaching formats and in the design of university activities that strengthen and make visible sustainability-related research and teaching at our university.

How do we work?
The group is open, it meets once a semester, it elects a spokesperson team from among its members for two years, this team reports to the rectorate on the group's activities (minutes of the meetings) and promotes the group's initiatives. The NH Forum sees itself as part of the diverse sustainability initiatives at the university, which are networked with each other by the Sustainability Office.


  • Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher (Political Science)

Next Meeting:

  • 18.01.2024, 9:15 Uhr
    • Place: Fakultätszentrum der FWW (G22-A225)

Contact & Registration:

Last Modification: 30.11.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster