from 10 a.m. - Strong together for animal welfare at state level!

Logo_Tierschutzbund_höhere_AuflösungHow can I be active in animal protection at the state level and which issues are currently in focus? Come and talk to us and find out about the current state of animal protection in the country. Affiliated with the largest animal protection association, the Deutscher Tierschutzbund (German Animal Protection Association), we provide up-to-date insights into the challenges and opportunities that we can tackle together for animal protection! We look forward to your visit.


  • Organizer: Deutscher Tierschutzbund Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
  • Time: from 10 am -  4 pm
  • Place: Mensavorplatz

Last Modification: 16.10.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster